2025 National ElectionsGeneral Information | Position Descriptions | Nomination Forms | Voting Timeline | Installation Ceremony The Society of Government Meeting Professionals is looking for leaders to serve on the National Board of Directors and the Gilmer Institute of Learning (GIL)! Nominations are now being accepted for eight (8) National Board positions: President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and three (3) Directors; and three (3) Gilmer Institute of Learning positions: Fundraising Trustee (Planner), Scholarship & Certifications Trustee (Planner), and Education & Programming Trustee (Supplier). All positions have a two-year term of office, (July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2027). Any member may nominate himself/herself or another member for a position. NOMINATIONS ARE NOW CLOSED. Please welcome your new National Board and Gilmer Institute of Learning TrusteesThe installation ceremony of the incoming National Board of Directors and Gilmer Institute of Learning will take place during the National Education Conference at the Sam Gilmer Awards Banquet on Wednesday, May 7, 2025 in St. Louis, Missouri. The National Nominations and Elections (N&E) Committee is responsible for validating qualified member candidates and assuring a balanced list of approved candidates that is consistent with SGMP bylaws and policies. The committee's role is to also hold all N&E information in strict confidence; to address all possible eligibility, campaigning, or elections infractions or irregularities in order to ensure a balanced list of qualified candidates and a fair and equitable elections process; and to see that all N&E decisions and actions are the right and proper thing to do on behalf of SGMP. SGMP N&E committee works with SGMP staff to administer the voting process via SGMP's AMS and at the direction of the chair. Qualification for the National BoardBased on our SGMP bylaws, Article IV, Section 2, a member shall qualify for national office if they are a member in good standing with three years continuous active membership and if they have:
A member shall qualify as a national Officer or Director as stated herein:
Qualification to Serve on the Gilmer Institute of LearningInstitute Trustees are elected by the membership. The following eligibility requirements must be met to serve:
There are two Scholarship & Certification Trustees, two Fundraising Trustees, and two Education & Program Trustees and each trustee holds voting rights on behalf of the Institute. Trustees’ election cycles are to be staggered so that 50% of each Institute committee is elected annually. The Call for Nominations deadline is 5:00PM EST Monday, December 9, 2024. If you have any questions or comments, send them to Carolyn Barrett at [email protected]. Position DescriptionsPresidentThe national President shall be a Government Planner or Contract Planner. The President shall preside at all meetings of the National Board and shall serve as an ex-officio member on all committees, except the Nominations & Elections Committee. In the Treasurer's absence, the President is authorized to sign disbursements. The President shall perform such other duties as required by the office or as may be prescribed by the National Board. First Vice PresidentThe national First Vice President shall be a Government Planner or Contract Planner. The First Vice President shall serve for the President in the absence of the President or when so requested by the President. The First Vice President shall discharge all other duties as prescribed by The National Board. Second Vice PresidentThe national Second Vice President shall be a Supplier. The Second Vice President shall preside in the absence of the President and First Vice President. The Second Vice President shall discharge all other duties as prescribed by the National Board. SecretaryThe national Secretary shall be a Government Planner or Contract Planner. The Secretary shall assure the minutes of all National Board meetings or other national meetings are filed with SGMP Headquarters after the National Board approves them as final. The Secretary shall assure that all official and historical records of SGMP are maintained and preserved at SGMP Headquarters. TreasurerThe national Treasurer shall be a Supplier. The Treasurer shall ensure that accurate financial records are kept in accordance with standard accounting procedures, and shall be responsible, in conjunction with the President, for the safekeeping of funds in such depositories as are approved by the National Board. The Treasurer shall submit a written report on the financial standing of SGMP when called upon by the National Board or the President. DirectorsNational Directors may serve as committee liaisons and perform all duties and related functions as directed by the National Board. Directors shall be voting members of the National Board. There shall be three Directors. One shall be a Government Planner, one shall be a Supplier, and one shall be either a Government Planner, Contract Planner, or Supplier. Scholarship & Certification Trustee (PLANNER)Scholarship & Certification Trustees serve the mission of the Gilmer Institute of Learning through work in the following areas:
Fundraising Trustee (PLANNER)Fundraising Trustees serve the mission of the Gilmer Institute of Learning through work in the following areas:
Education & Programming Trustee (SUPPLIER)Education & Programming Trustees serve the mission of the Gilmer Institute of Learning through work in the following areas:
Nomination FormThe nomination form will be available beginning November 12, 2024 and will be due no later than December 9, 2024. VotingAll voting members (planners and suppliers) on the official election roster will be sent an electronic ballot on Thursday, January 30, 2025. Voting closes at 5pm Eastern daylight time on Wednesday, February 5, 2025. Election results will be announced by February 13, 2025. Learn about the Candidates (coming soon!)Installation CeremonyThe installation ceremony of the incoming National Board and Gilmer Institute of Learning Trustees will take place during the National Education Conference at the Sam Gilmer Awards Banquet on Wednesday, May 7, 2025, in St. Louis, MO. The National Nominations and Elections (N&E) Committee is responsible for validating qualified member candidates and assuring a balanced list of approved candidates that is consistent with SGMP bylaws and policies. The committee's role is to also hold all N&E information in strict confidence; to address all possible eligibility, campaigning, or elections infractions or irregularities in order to ensure a balanced list of qualified candidates and a fair and equitable elections process; and to see that all N&E decisions and actions are the right and proper thing to do on behalf of SGMP. SGMP N&E committee works with SGMP staff to collect and verify the eligibility of all nominations; to refer all possible eligibility, campaigning, and elections infractions to the chair; and to administer the voting process via SGMP's website and at the direction of the chair. Any questions regarding SGMP’s campaign rules/guidelines may be sent to Carolyn Barrett at [email protected]. Campaign Policies(National) candidates may discuss in verbal or written communications among the membership that they are interested in seeking a National Board or Gilmer Institute of Learning (GIL) seat. However, candidates may neither distribute campaign material nor officially campaign to other chapters in monthly meetings or other official SGMP gatherings until the (National) Nominations & Elections Committee has officially notified them that they will be on the ballot and that the campaign period is open. (National and Chapter) candidates may not speak negatively about other candidates. The emphasis should be on the qualifications and what the individual candidate will bring to the organization. (National) candidate promotional materials may be distributed to any Chapter President for distribution at chapter meetings following the National Board approval of the official list of candidates and until the end of the campaign period in an election year. The actual dates to distribute (National) candidate information will be outlined in the (National) “Campaign Materials Guidelines” that are provided to the (National) candidates after the election ballot has been approved. As a matter of this policy, the dates outlined in the (National) “Campaign Materials Guideline” and nominations and elections timelines will be accepted as part of the official (National) policy each year. Each (National) candidate is responsible for assuring the information is delivered to meet the specific needs of each chapter meeting. Chapter Presidents are responsible for making sure that all (National) campaign materials sent to the chapter are made available to the chapter membership. (National) campaign materials may also be mailed to individuals during this same time period if the candidate chooses to do so. Individuals who are running for election are allowed to campaign by utilizing various forms of social media (i.e., Facebook. LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.) up until the end date and time of the campaign period, as outlined in the guidelines/rules. Thereafter, individuals are prohibited from any form of campaigning so as not to unduly influence the voting membership. Any candidate found violating the campaign guidelines/rules will be disqualified and not allowed to run for election. Campaign material sent by another SGMP or non-SGMP member on behalf of the candidate is prohibited. If the candidate running for election is unable to personally send their campaign materials, he/she must notify the national N&E chair and seek permission to have their materials sent by another SGMP or non-SGMP member. The use of official chapter logo on campaign material is allowed. (National) candidates are not allowed to participate in or produce campaign video presentations in the SGMP nominations and elections process. Members are prohibited from making or producing these presentations on behalf of a (National) candidate. Planners may not solicit any funds from any member in their professional capacity to assist in the cost of (National and Chapter) campaign materials. (National and Chapter) candidates are encouraged not to spend a great deal of money for campaign purposes. (National) candidates are to notify the (National) Nominations & Elections Committee chair of any planned chapter visit, specifically for the purpose of campaigning, prior to the visit. The (National) Nominations & Elections Chair will contact the assigned (National) committee member, who will notify the Chapter President of the visit. In addition, the (National) Nominations & Elections committee member will notify other candidates seeking election to the same position that this candidate will be visiting a chapter. (National and Chapter) candidates cannot align with other candidates to form a slate of candidates who have agreed to run together. It is understood that SGMP members will have preferences among national and/or chapter candidates and it is certainly acceptable that there will be discussions among members regarding nominations & elections issues and candidates. However, SGMP members are prohibited from publicly endorsing any one candidate or candidates (National and/or Chapter). Chapter Presidents will display all (National) campaign material provided by candidates, if in accordance with SGMP’s “Campaign Materials Guidelines,” for chapter meetings held during the election timeframe. Current National Board members seeking election are prohibited from using SGMP funds to travel to chapters during SGMP (National) elections, unless they are on pre-approved authorized business travel prior to completion of the nomination form deadline. Requests received for travel after the nomination form deadline must have approval of the (National) Nominations & Elections Committee Chair. Chapter treasuries may not disburse any funds to support a particular (National) candidate other than to provide travel support for a pre-arranged training function. Each official candidate running for a National Board position may receive a free voting member mailing list from SGMP Headquarters. Candidates must adhere to stated campaign policies and maintain dignity and decorum. SGMP must not be placed in any situation that would reflect poorly on its reputation in the hospitality industry. Unprofessional and/or unethical conduct during the nominations & elections period (National or Chapter) by any nominee or candidate may be referred to SGMP for review of a Code of Ethics violation, and such conduct may be cause for disqualification on the official ballot. Unprofessional and/or unethical conduct during the nominations & elections period (National or Chapter) by any SGMP member may be referred to SGMP for review of a Code of Ethics violation. |