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SGMP Planner Membership

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Join Planner

Planner applicants may join on their own at any time by clicking the Join button at the top or bottom of this page and selecting Government Planner or Contract Planner as the Membership Option. 

There are two planner membership categories — Government Planner and Contract Planner — which are defined below. 

Government Planner - $55 per year

Individuals who are employed by federal, state, or local governments who have the responsibility for planning or implementing any type of meeting — on a full- or part-time basis — as part of their official duties. [Employees of military and quasi-government organizations or associations where a majority of their membership is comprised of government employees may also qualify.]

Contract Planner - $140 per year

Individuals, organizations or companies operating under contract to (and receiving payments directly from) government agencies to assist in the planning or implementing of any type of meeting. Individuals who are the sole proprietor of, or are employed or engaged by (including those that receive commissions from hotels), a meeting management company or site selection company; and provide meeting services including strategic and financial management and/or professional meeting management services to/for government clients.

If a paper application is needed, contact [email protected] and one will be sent to you. Chapter representatives may accept an application on your behalf at chapter events and will forward it to SGMP headquarters within 15 days. If you cannot pay online, checks are also accepted. Please do not email your credit card information.

Also, a supplier cannot pay the dues for his or her planner match. Each member must arrange for payment of their own dues.


  • There is a $40 returned check fee.
  • Be sure to select the chapter with which you wish to affiliate when you sign up (applicants not noting a chapter will be placed into the At Large chapter, which provides no local activities or additional benefits).
  • Current or past planner members are not eligible to re-join along with a supplier as their "match" until their membership has lapsed for 12 months.
  • Government employees, please check with your ethics officer before accepting membership as a gift.
  • Applicants that qualify for more than one category are only eligible to join SGMP at the higher category.