Chapter Awards/Honorees

Zenith Award Criteria & Process

The purpose of the Zenith Award is to recognize and celebrate MiSGMP members who have reached the peak of excellence within the Society of Government Meeting Professionals - Michigan Chapter, setting a benchmark for leadership, contribution, and commitment to advancing the chapter’s mission and goals.

The nomination application is now open.  Make your nomination before February 17, 2024.

Zenith Award

Award Recipients (Planner)

2024    Amy Castner, GMS
2023    Kathy Spackman
2022    Jocelyn Davis
2020    Carly Sanford 

Award Recipients (Supplier)

2024    Mandi VanOoteghem, CMP, CPCE
2023    Amanda Hunt
2022    Brenda Haight
2020    Shaun Ballard 

The awards were not given in 2021 due to the pandemic. 

President's Award

The President's Award is a special tribute for exemplary and extraordinary accomplishments in SGMP. The award winner is honored with a presentation from the Chapter President. This award is given at the discretion of the President and is not necessarily awarded every year.

Award Recipients

2024    Mary Trombley
2023    Cathy Mayhew, GMP, CTA
2022    All MiSGMP Chapter Members
2020    Tammy Novak, CGMP
2019    Karalee McKinstry
2017    Diane Dick, CMP
Michigan Member CVBs
Ann Arbor Area Convention & Visitors Bureau
Blue Water Area Convention & Visitors Bureau
Calhoun County Visitors Bureau
Detroit Metro Convention & Visitors Bureau
Discover Kalamazoo
2016    Experience Grand Rapids
Flint & Genesee County Convention & Visitors Bureau
Frankenmuth Chamber and Convention & Visitors Bureau
Great Lakes Bay Regional Convention & Visitors Bureau
Greater Lansing Convention & Visitors Bureau
Mount Pleasant Area Convention & Visitors Bureau
Traverse City Tourism
2012-2014 Board of Directors
1st VP Laurie Nickson
2nd VP Nick Hussein
2014    Treasurer Nate Melvin
Secretary Chris Ward
Directors Diane Dick, Mandy Flutur, Sarah Jarous
Immediate Past President Andrew Silver
2013    Nate Melvin, CMP, CTA
2013    Andrew Silver
2011    Debra Kopkau, CMP
2011    Mary Zucchero
2009    Mary Estrada
2008    Deborah Jensen, CMP
2007    Andrew Silver
2006    Rhonda Bucholtz, CHSP
2005    Mary Goodhall
2002    Andrew Silver
2001    Mary Estrada
2000    Sheri LaMar, CMP
1992    Bea Karber

Planner and Supplier of the Year Awards

This award has been replaced with the Zenith Award (above).  Prior to its creation, each year the Chapter recognized a planner and supplier whose dedication and contributions to the organization made a substantial impact. Honorees are nominated and voted on by the Chapter membership.  We are proud of these members and their commitment to the MiSGMP Chapter!

Planner Award Recipients

2018-2019      No Recipient - New Zenith Award in creation
2017    Laurie Nickson, CMP
2015    Anissa Damon, CMP, CGMP, CTA
2014    Diane Dick, CMP
2013    Michelle Milligan
2012    Chris Ward
2011    Laurie Nickson, CMP
2010    Diane Dick, CMP
2009    Anissa Stanley
2008    Deneen Hansen, CMP
2007    Pat Strzalkowski
2006    Mary Goodhall
2005    Deborah Jensen, CMP
2004    Mary Estrada
2003    Sue Micensky
2002    Lynn McNamara
2001    Tanya Madsen
2000    Andrew Silver 

Supplier Award Recipients

2018-2019      No Recipient - New Zenith Award in creation
2017    Stacy Yerby, CGMP
2016    Amanda Toy, CMP, CGMP, CTA
2015    Heidi Schmitt, CTA
2014    Kristina Baxendale, CMP, CTA
2013    Nate Melvin, CMP, CTA
2012    Nick Hussein
2011    Cathy Brady
2010    Brenda Haight, CMP
2009    Kimberly Wilkes, CMP
2007    Leslie Thompson, CMP
2006    Callie Cain, CMP
2005    Rhonda Bucholtz, CHSP
2004    Bill Knopp 
2003    Barbara Spearman
2002    Jeanne Skarupinski 
2001    Jim Peckrul, CHSP
2000    Kari Thrush

Founder's Award

1992         Steve Bowers